Plate Washer

About this product

The Plate Washer (#9461110400), a key auto part in the Engine-Fuel/Carburetor system of a Toyota vehicle, plays a central role in maintaining proper fuel flow. This component, positioned between the fuel bowl and the carburetor body, helps distribute pressure evenly, preventing leaks and ensuring optimal fuel distribution. The Plate Washer (#9461110400)'s function is critical and over time, it may become worn, leading to fuel inefficiency or potential leaks. A worn-out Plate Washer (#9461110400) could also lead to engine damage due to uneven pressure distribution. Therefore, it's essential to replace this component periodically with genuine Toyota parts to maintain compatibility and performance, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Plate Washer (#9461110400) is more than just a simple part. It contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of the fuel system, thus playing a pivotal role in your Toyota's performance.