Nozzle Leakage Pipe #1

About this product

The Nozzle Leakage Pipe #1 (#23761-51020), an Engine-Fuel part in the Injection Nozzle system of Toyota vehicles, plays a critical role in redirecting excess fuel away from the nozzle. As the engine operates, the pipe effectively captures the surplus fuel, ensuring optimal fuel injection performance. However, like all components, the Nozzle Leakage Pipe #1 (#23761-51020) is prone to wear and tear. Aged, clogged, or malfunctioning pipes can impede fuel flow, potentially resulting in poor engine performance or even engine damage. This makes regular replacement of this crucial part essential. Toyota's genuine parts, like this Nozzle Leakage Pipe #1 (#23761-51020), are ideal for vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota's parts warranty. The use of genuine parts helps maintain the efficiency of the fuel injection system, promoting peak vehicle performance and contributing to overall safety.