Straight Pin

About this product

The Straight Pin (#9025012146), a crucial component in Toyota's Drive-Chassis/Transmission Case & Oil Pan (ATM) system, plays a vital role in maintaining the alignment and position of other parts during operation. This pin, when functional, helps keep the transmission case and oil pan in place, ensuring optimal performance. However, just like any other part, Straight Pin (#9025012146)s wear out over time and need replacing. A worn-out or broken Straight Pin (#9025012146) may lead to misalignment, causing the transmission case and oil pan to move out of place, which could potentially lead to mechanical damage. Using genuine Toyota parts not only supports vehicle compatibility but also comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Straight Pin (#9025012146) is essential for the overall efficiency and safety of the Drive-Chassis/Transmission Case & Oil Pan (ATM) system, contributing to smooth operation and longevity.